Anti-mitochondrial type 5 antibodies and anti-cardiolipin antibodies in systemic lupus erythematosus and auto-immune diseases

Meyer, O.; Abuaf, N.; Cyna, L.; Homberg, J.C.; Kahn, M.F.; Ryckewaert, A.

Clinical and Experimental Immunology 69(3): 485-492


ISSN/ISBN: 0009-9104
PMID: 3311494
Document Number: 293662
Twenty sera from patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and high titre of IgG anti-cardiolipin antibodies (ACA) were studied in order to evaluate the prevalence of anti-mitochondrial type 5 antibodies (AMA 5). None of these sera were found to be AMA 5 positive but five of 18 were positive for VDRL. Twenty sera from patients with AMA 5 were studied in order to evaluate the prevalence of ACA: only six of 20 were positive for ACA. In contrast to this finding, 15 of the 20 sera positive for AMA 5 were also positive for VDRL (P less than 0.001). The six sera positive for ACA and AMA 5 were absorbed with cardiolipin micelles. This absorption eliminated the ACA activity but not the AMA 5 activity. Despite the clinical similarities between the two groups of patients with AMA 5 or ACA, these data suggest that patients with AMA 5 and patients with ACA belong to two different subsets of SLE or SLE-like syndromes and that AMA 5 antigen is different from cardiolipin.

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