The modification of HLA-B27-positive lymphocytes by the culture filtrate of Klebsiella K43 BTS 1 is a metabolically active process

Sullivan, J.S.; Geczy, A.F.

Clinical and Experimental Immunology 62(3): 672-677


ISSN/ISBN: 0009-9104
PMID: 3878756
Document Number: 255797
The culture filtrate of some bacteria contains a modifying factor which specifically interacts with the cells of HLA-B27-positive normal individuals (BS+ AS-); this modification results in a serologically detectable change similar to that seen on the cells of patients with ankylosing spondylitis (B27+ AS+). Puromycin, 5-azacytidine, actinomycin D, cyclosporin A, dexamethasone, indomethacin, colchicine, quinacrine, chlorpromazine but not tunicamycin can effectively inhibit the in vitro modification of HLA-B27-positive lymphocytes from normal individuals. These studies suggest that a number of different metabolic pathways may be involved in the modification of B27+ AS- lymphocytes by certain enteric antigens.

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