Effect of Zaditen in patients with atopic bronchial asthma at Sandanski health resort

Petrov, D.; Stoeva, N.

Vutreshni Bolesti 23(2): 98-101


ISSN/ISBN: 0506-2772
PMID: 6741117
Document Number: 231352
Zaditen effect was studied in 20 patients with atopic bronchial asthma, aged from 16 to 48 (average age 34.2 years) with a duration of the disease from 1 to 18 years. The study was conducted in the Sandanski resort zone, characterized by exceptionally favourable bioclimatic constants for climate-treatment of patients with respiratory diseases. All patients, in an open experiment, received 1 mg Zaditen two times daily. The results obtained were with a positive effect in 90 per cent. Very good effect from the treatment was established in 80 per cent of the patients. The functional, biochemical, enzymatic and immunologic indices were favourably affected. Zaditen treatment, under the conditions of Sandanski resort, proved to be highly effective.

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