Serum thyroxine (T4) levels and thyroxine-binding capacity of patients with corticosteroid-dependent and atopic bronchial asthma

Kosturkov, G.; Bozhkov, B.; Dimitrov, V.

Vutreshni Bolesti 23(4): 69-72


ISSN/ISBN: 0506-2772
PMID: 6438915
Document Number: 231313
The patients with bronchial asthma, treated a long time with corticosteroid s (the so called cortico-dependent bronchial asthma) are an adequate model for the study on the dependence between the function of the thyroid gland and the effect of glucocorticosteroids. The study was carried out on 12 patients with atopic, 14--with cortico-dependent bronchial asthma and II--healthy subjects. The function of the thyroid gland was assessed by the serum level od thyroxine and thyroxine-binding capacity, determined by immuno-enzyme methods. Erythroid values were established in all three groups of the examined subjects. The stronger inhibition of the thyroid function in the patients with atopic asthma as compared with the cortico-dependent patients is of certain interest, in spite of the fact that the differences are not statistically significant.

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