Relations between the myocardial state and several indicators of the myocardial function of the left ventricle in patients with ischemic heart disease

Rabkin, I.K.; Tkachenko, V.M.; Abugov, A.M.

Terapevticheskii Arkhiv 56(8): 14-17


ISSN/ISBN: 0040-3660
PMID: 6495197
Document Number: 229228
Forty-six patients aged 39 to 59 years with coronary heart disease were examined. The control group comprised 10 healthy men. The myocardial injury was evaluated according to the ECG data. All the patients were subjected to selective coronarography and left roentgenokinoventriculography. To appraise the left ventricle myocardial contractility, the following indicators were made use of: the end diastolic pressure, ejection and the ratio of the peak systolic pressure in the left ventricle to the end systolic volume relative to the body surface. During kinoventriculography, left ventricle asynergy was detected in 65.2% of cases, whereas the reduction in the magnitudes of ejection and in the Ppeak/ESV X m2 index in 60.9 and 54.3% of cases, respectively. The false-negative result was 17.4% for ejection and 6.5% for the Ppeak/ESO m2 X index. Ejection and the Ppeak/ESV X m2 index were found to be highly informative. However in cases with a relatively preserved function of the left ventricle, it is necessary to take into account the magnitude of the Ppeak/ESV m2 X index which may attest to the pathological alterations in the myocardium in 62% of cases.

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