Morphology and distribution of 1,2-dimethylhydrazine dihydrochloride-induced colon tumors and their relationship to gut-associated lymphoid tissue in the rat

Nauss, K.M.; Locniskar, M.; Pavlina, T.; Newberne, P.M.

Journal of the National Cancer Institute 73(4): 915-924


ISSN/ISBN: 0027-8874
PMID: 6592387
Document Number: 226650
The histopathology and relationship of sym-dimethylhydrazine dihydrochloride [(DMH) CAS: 306-37-6; 1,2-dimethylhydrazine dihydrochloride]-induced colon tumors to colonic lymphoid aggregates were examined in outbred male Sprague-Dawley rats treated with saline or DMH and sacrificed at three intervals after treatment. The ratio of polypoid:sessile tumors was 71:29 four months after DMH treatment and 62:38 when tumors were fully developed. Colonic lymphoid aggregates were found 3-5 cm from the cecal-colonic junction, near the flexure of the ascending and transverse colon, and 3-5 cm from the rectum. There were no significant differences between saline-treated and DMH-treated rats regarding the size, cellularity, and number of lymphoid aggregates per rat. A significant association (P less than .001) was seen between tumor development and the presence of a lymphoid aggregate in a given segment of the colon. Sessile adenocarcinomas, but not polypoid tumors, were significantly associated (P less than .001) with lymphoid aggregates and usually presented as mucinous tumors adjacent to or intermixed with the lymphoid tissue.

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