Factors responsible for the persistence of rabies virus in cell cultures

Bogomolova, N.N.; Boriskin, I.S.; Bektemirova, M.S.

Voprosy Virusologii 5: 574-576


ISSN/ISBN: 0507-4088
PMID: 7434738
Document Number: 166601
Persistence of rabies virus (RV) was studied in two cell cultures: HEp-2-RV and BHK-RV. The infection was demonstrated in 8% cells of the BHK-RV system and 53% cells of HEp-2-RV system by the method of cloning. The virus-free clones were as sensitive to RV infection as the control cultures. The incubation temperature shifts up to 40 degrees C and down to 34 degrees C did not affect the carrier state. 5-BUDR did not activate the infectious process in the chronically infected cells. The factors possibly responsible for RV persistence in cell cultures are discussed.

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