Biological properties of an asparaginase-glutaminase preparation from Pseudomonas fluorescens in cell cultures

Kondrat'eva, N.A.; Dobrynin, I.V.; Merkulov, M.F.

Antibiotiki 23(2): 122-125


ISSN/ISBN: 0003-5637
PMID: 415658
Document Number: 133256
Specific L-asparaginase activity and non-specific cytotoxicity of asparaginase-glutaminase preparation from Pseudomonas fluorescens were studied. Two cell lines, i.e. the asparaginase-dependent (Berkitt lymphoma cells) and the asparaginase-independent (the ovary cancer cells) were used as the test-system. Incorporation of 3H-timidine into DNA was used as the criterion of the drug effect on the cells. Krasnitin was used as the reference preparation. The preparation of asparaginase-glutaminase was inferior to krasnitine by its specific antitumour asparaginase activity and superior to it by the general cytotoxicity in the cells of CaOv. With the help of the above test-system it is possible to study the specific asparaginase activity of the drugs containing L-asparaginase. For studying the specific glutaminase properties it is necessary to develop another cell test-system.

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