Study of the equilibrium conditions for the extractive purification of oleandomycin

Ostrovskiĭ, M.V.; Etingov, E.D.; Slavin, A.A.; Bezborodko, I.G.

Antibiotiki 22(7): 587-591


ISSN/ISBN: 0003-5637
PMID: 883802
Document Number: 121470
Dependence of the oleandomycin distribution coefficient on the antibiotic concentration, duration of the filtrate storage, extraction temperature and salting-out agents was studied. The distribution coefficient of oleandomycin in the system of fermentation broth filtrate--butylacetate was much lower (about 3 times) than that in the system of oleandomycin phosphate aqueous solution--butylacetate. Addition of sodium sulfate to the aqueous phase provided a significant increase in the oleandomycin distribution coefficient.

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