Human milk - variations in lactose, potassium, sodium and total lipid concentrations and in fatty acids composition of lactating women in early puerperium
Lavric, M.; Dolar, J.
Jugoslavenska Ginekologija i Opstetricija 16(3): 203-207
ISSN/ISBN: 0017-002X PMID: 1004004 Document Number: 97802
Some biochemical components were studied in the milk of 16 lactating women during the first six postpartum days. A gradual increase in the lactose and potassium concentration and a decrease in the sodium concentration were observed, as well as an increase in the total lipids concentration and a significant shifting in the fatty acids composition where the biosynthesis of the fatty acids with a lower number of C atoms (C 10:0, C12:0, C 14:0) at the expence of the fatty acids with higher C atoms number was intensified.