Study of the fructosediphosphate aldolase and transketolase activity in the nystatin producer, Actinomyces noursei
Toropova, E.G.; Braĭntling, R.; Egorov, N.S.; Pobedinskiĭ, N.A.
Antibiotiki 9: 783-787
ISSN/ISBN: 0003-5637 PMID: 1180530 Document Number: 90737
Activity of transketolase, an enzyme of the pentose cycle and fructosodiphosphataldolase, an enzyme of glycolisis was studied in the dynamics of development of the nystatin-producing organism and its inactive mutant under various conditions of their cultivation with a purpose of finding relation between the antibiotic production and general metabolism of Act. noursei. The transketolase activity of the organism was 2-4 times higher than that of the inactive mutant. Addition of 8000 Units/ml of nystatin to the medium markedly suppressed (50-100 per cent) the aldolase activity, however it had no effect on the transkelotase activity. Possibly the antibiotic accumulated in the mycelium played the role of a regulator of the activity of the enzymes, directing the metabolites along the hexosomonophosphate pathway of carbohydrate dissimilation.