Formulation design, characterization and optimization of cinitapride (1mg) immediate release tablets using direct compression technology
Bushra, R.; Rehman, A.; Ghayas, S.; Zafar, F.; Ali, H.; Shafiq, Y.; Khalid, F.; Khan, M.A.; Hanif, A.; Mustapha, O.
Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 31(6: 2725-2731
ISSN/ISBN: 1011-601X PMID: 30587486 Document Number: 695022
Cinitapride hydrogen tartarate is relatively a new prokinetic agent that widely prescribed for GERD and epigastric pain. Present study was aimed to develop and optimize cinitapride (1 mg) immediate release (IR) tablet formulation(s) by direct compression using central composite rotatable technique. Overall nine formulations (FC1-FC9) were generated by varying the composition of binder avicel PH 102 (X1) and superdisintegrant crospovidone (X2). The effect of interaction of excipients on hardness (Y1), friability (Y2), disintegration (Y3) and dissolution at 15 min (Y4) were analyzed by RSM plotting. On the basis of physico-chemical evaluation FC3, FC4 and FC6 were found to be the optimized formulations however; FC3 was selected to be the best trial owing to excellent drug release (100.17%) with least friability (0.14%). These IR tablets showed the release pattern similar to the Weibull model with r2 value of 0.978-0.998. The dissimilarity (f1) and similarity indexes (f2) of FC3, FC4, FC6 with the marketed product were estimated to be 2.57 and 76.51, 4.51 and 64.46, 4.32 and 66.78 respectively. Trial optimized formulations were highly stable with the shelf lives of 58-64 months. So, keeping in view the results of present investigation, it is concluded that the technique of manufacturing and optimization is found to be excellent for developing immediate release cinitapride tablets.