Taufon use in myopic contact lens wearers
Naumenko, V.V.; Pogosian, M.A.; Sergeev, V.P.
Vestnik Oftalmologii 130(4): 97
ISSN/ISBN: 0042-465X PMID: 25306731 Document Number: 673307
To investigate the potential clinical efficacy of Taufon eye drops in silicone hydrogel soft contact lens wearers with nonprogressive myopia. A total of 90 patients with non-progressive myopia aged from 28 to 45 years were divided in 3 homogeneous groups (30 patients in each). For vision correction silicone hydrogel Air Optix Night & Day ("Ciba Vision") and Pure Vision 2HD ("Bausch & Lomb") contact lenses were used. The average period of contact lens wear was 5.5 +/- 3.3 years. Apart from conventional ophthalmic assessment, all patients underwent a complex lacrimal system examination, which included Schirmer's test and tear film break-up time (TBUT). The Ocular Surface Disease Index (OSDI) was used for dry eye symptoms assessment. The condition of the corneal epithelium was evaluated after 0.2% fluorescein instillation. Group 1 patients received 4% Taufon eye drops, group 2--natural tears ("Alcon"). Group 3 patients did not use any eye drops at all. Baseline Schirmer's test results, TBUT, and OSDI score were similar in all groups (p < 0.05, Mann-Whitney test). Drug therapy was considered effective if Schirmer's test result remained > 10 mm, TBUT--not less than 10 sec, OSDI--not more than 15, there were positive dynamics or at least no negative changes in dry eye signs and symptoms. The patients from group 1 presented no subjective complaits and their corneal and conjunctival changes were less significant than that in other groups (p < 0.05). Regression of dry eye signs at biomicroscopy in this group was confirmed by Schirmer's test results, TBUT, and OSDI. In groups 2 and 3 dry eye sings were more pronounced. The study of the 4% Taufon eye drops efficacy for dry eye prevention in silicone hydrogel Air Optix Night & Day and Pure Vision 2HD contact lens wearers with non-progressive myopia showed that the clinical effect was more significant in the treatment group (group 1) as compared to both group 2 (natural tear) and 3 (p < 0.05).