Association between preterm low birth weight and maternal cytokine levels of saliva and gingival crevicular fluid

Huang, Z.; Sha, Y-qin.; Kang, J.; Chen, Z-bin.; Miao, J-xia.; Sun, Y-yan.

Zhonghua Kou Qiang Yi Xue Za Zhi 45(5): 260-264


ISSN/ISBN: 1002-0098
PMID: 20654238
Document Number: 646943
To examine the hypothesis that periodontitis was one of the sources of inflammation in preterm low birth weight (PLBW) mothers and investigate the relationship between PLBW and inflammatory factors. The samples of saliva and gingival crevicular fluid (GCF) were collected from 83 PLBW mothers (PLBW group) and 44 normal birth weight (NBW) mothers (NBW group). The levels of IL-1beta and IL-6 were analyzed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The concentrations of cytokines in saliva and GCF were compared between the two groups. IL-1beta level in saliva of PLBW group was higher than which of NBW group significantly [(78.32+/-11.81) ng/L vs. (39.66+/-11.89) ng/L, P<0.05]. There was no statistically significant difference on IL-6 level in saliva [(17.45+/-3.13) ng/L vs. (16.28+/-0.66) ng/L], IL-1beta level in GCF [(93.58+/-13.22) ng/L vs. (81.38+/-9.28) ng/L] and IL-6 level in GCF [(15.35+/-0.28) ng/L vs. (14.87+/-0.37) ng/L) between two groups, but those of PLBW group were higher than NBW group. Significant negative correlations existed between gestational age at delivery and probing depth. It was also found significant negative correlations between gestational age at delivery and IL-6 (r=-0.274, P<0.01), between the weight of the new born infants and IL-6 levels in saliva (r=-0.424, P<0.01), IL-1beta level in GCF (r=-0.231, P<0.01). There was a tendency presenting the higher inflammatory cytokine in GCF and saliva, the shorter gestation period and the lower birth weight. The levels of cytokine in saliva and GCF were higher in PLBW mothers. The correlation may be exist between maternal periodontitis and PLBW.

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