On the contribution of cornea into accommodation of myopic eye

Tarutta, E.P.; Iomdina, E.N.; Tarasova, N.A.; Khodzhabekian, N.V.

Vestnik Oftalmologii 126(6): 15-18


ISSN/ISBN: 0042-465X
PMID: 21394993
Document Number: 638007
To study the possibility of corneal contribution to process of accommodation in myopic eyes we examined 4 groups of patients: children and adolescents with low (1st group) to moderate (2nd group) myopia, young adults with moderate to high myopia after LASIK (3rd group) and PRK (4th group). Corneal optic power was measured using binocular open-field autoreferatometer in vertical and horizontal meridians for near (33 sm) and distant (5 m) fixation. No significant difference was found in children and adolescents with low and moderate myopia with intact cornea, as well as in young adults with moderate to high myopia after keratorefractive surgery. The optic corneal power tends to be moderately lower in horizontal meridian, but this difference is not significant. The revealed data do not support significant contribution of cornea into accommodation of the myopic eye.

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