Haemorheological problems in lower-limb chronic arterial insufficiency

Petukhov, E.B.; Kuznetsov, M.R.; Fedin, A.I.; Virganskiĭ, A.O.; Kuznetsova, V.F.; Komov, K.V.; Tepliakov, S.A.; Kholopova, E.A.; Sizarev, A.V.; Lisenkov, O.P.

Angiologiia i Sosudistaia Khirurgiia 15(2): 13-18


ISSN/ISBN: 1027-6661
PMID: 19806934
Document Number: 631245
Chair of Neurology of the Advanced Medical Training Department of the Federal Educational Facility of the Higher Vocational Education Russian State Medical University under the Russian Public Health Ministry, Moscow, Russia. The article deals with the findings obtained in examining and treating a total of eighty-seven patients suffering from atherosclerosis obliterans of the lower-limb arteries with stage IIB and III chronic arterial insufficiency. Studied were impairments of the theological properties of the blood and plasma, erythrocytic deformability and the concentration of malonic dialdehyde in blood at admission to the hospital, upon completion of the course of conservative treatment, and after the reconstructive vascular intervention performed. It was determined that the leading mechanism disturbing oxygen utilization by tissues is a decrease in erythrocytic deformability, which promotes shunting of the arterial blood flow and persists after the surgical vascular reconstruction preformed.

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