Effect of human milk on the mouse mammary tumor virus

Sarkar, N.H.; Charney, J.; Dion, A.S.; Moore, D.H.

Cancer Research 33(3): 626-629


ISSN/ISBN: 0008-5472
PMID: 4120354
Document Number: 62076
Skimmed milk from RIII/Haag mice, which have mammary tumour incidence of 97%, was diluted with phosphate buffer, whole, skimmed or cream fraction of human milk and each preparation was incubated at 37 deg for 18 h and part of each was titrated for infectivity C57Bl/Haag mice. The control portion of the RIII milk contained typical B particles of mouse mammary tumour virus. Virions in RIII milk incubated with human milk fractions were damaged to different degrees, most drastically by the cream fraction. The bioactivity of the mouse virus incubated in the whole milk or in the cream fraction was reduced compared with that of controls and the effect on reverse transcriptase activity correlated with the ratio of intact to damaged particles.

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