Possible exposure to rabies in anamnesis: rabies advice in the Netherlands
Beaujean, D.J.M.A.; van Ouwerkerk, I.M.S.; Timen, A.; Burgmeijer, R.J.F.; Vermeer de Bondt, P.E.; van Steenbergen, J.E.
Nederlands Tijdschrift Voor Geneeskunde 152(9): 473-477
ISSN/ISBN: 0028-2162 PMID: 18389875 Document Number: 616795
Anamnestic incidences of four patients have highlighted the potential risk ofexposure to rabies. The first patient was a 30-year-old woman who rescued a bat from the mouth of her dog; it bit her on the right wrist. In the Netherlands, bats may be infected with the Lyssa virus. The Preparedness and Response Unit (PRU) of the Centre for Infectious Disease Control (CIDC) advised human rabies immunoglobulin (HRIG) and a full vaccination programme. The second patient was a 37-year-old woman, who caught a 'sick' squirrel and was subsequently bitten on her left hand. The advice was not to use post exposure prophylaxis since rabies is not prevalent amongst squirrels in the Netherlands. The third patient, a 55-year-old man, was bitten on his right calf by a dog in Sri Lanka. He was treated with HRIG and given the full vaccination course. The fourth patient was a 14-month-old boy who was scratched on the face by a cat in Turkey. He immediately received the first vaccination and upon return to the Netherlands was treated with HRIG and the other vaccinations. All patients remained without symptoms. A structured approach for risk assessment of each potential rabies incident is possible. It requires balancing a number of criteria: the species of animal, the endemicity of rabies in a country, the observed health or vaccination status of an animal, whether the animal can be tested for rabies, if the exposure was provoked or unprovoked, the type of injury and its location on the body of the injured, and the time interval between administration of HRIG and vaccine. In the Netherlands all health care providers are expected to perform a proper risk assessment. They may seek advice from regional health departments (Municipal Health Services), who, in turn, can be assisted by the PRU. HRIG and vaccine are only provided by the National Vaccine Institute in Bilthoven.