Mortality from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a role of comorbidity

Karoli, N.A.; Rebrov, A.P.

Klinicheskaia Meditsina 86(3): 18-21


ISSN/ISBN: 0023-2149
PMID: 18441698
Document Number: 615294
The purpose of research was to study the role of comorbidity in mortality of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). 78 patients with COPD were being dynamically observed during 4 years. 18 patients (23.1%) died in that period. Upon the average, it was detected 3.35 +/- 0.24 chronic diseases in the patients with COPD and 5.11 +/- 0.62 in died patients (p < 0.01). In died patients myocardium infarction was registered 3.3 times more frequently (p = 0.05), signs of blood circulation insufficiency--also 3.3 times more frequently and heart rhythm disturbances - 2 times more frequently. Average index of comorbidity was 3.00 +/- 0.19 in patients with COPD. Significant difference between indexes of comorbidity in died and survived patients (p < 0.001) was established. Therefore, COPD comorbidity is a marker of survival rate, and doctors have to consider it developing the plan of COPD therapy. Index of comorbidity can be used in clinical practice as a simple way of COPD death risk determination. When this index is more than 3, a patient has a high risk of death.

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