Diagnostic laparoscopy under local anaesthesia
Grantcharov, T.P.; Schulze, S.
Ugeskrift for Laeger 167(46): 4360-4362
ISSN/ISBN: 1603-6824 PMID: 16287520 Document Number: 586904
Laparoscopy under local anaesthesia (LULA) is a safe, feasible and well-tolerated procedure. LULA has been successfully used for such outpatient gynaecological procedures as diagnosis of chronic pelvic pain and sterilisation. Single studies have indicated that LULA can be performed for diagnosis of possible intra-abdominal catastrophe in ICU patients, appendectomy and preperitoneal inguinal hernia repair. LULA in abdominal surgery for diagnosis of conditions presenting with acute lower abdominal pain is being introduced at our institution. This paper describes the possible applications of LULA in current practice as well as the technical aspects of the procedure.