Influence of physical effort on concentration of lactic acid and acid-base equilibrium in patients with mild and moderate bronchial asthma
Dziedziczko, A.; Kuźmiński, A.
Polski Merkuriusz Lekarski Organ Polskiego Towarzystwa Lekarskiego 17(99): 212-215
ISSN/ISBN: 1426-9686 PMID: 15628042 Document Number: 584331
Estimate influences of standard physical exercise on lactic acid concentration and acid-base equilibrium in patients with mild and moderate bronchial asthma compared with healthy trained persons and do not ones. In 47 asthmatic patients and 20 healthy persons: 1) bronchial reactivity was investigated; 2) at rest and 1, 5 and 10 min after 8 min exercise (PWC85%max, bicycle ergometer): FEV1, lactic acid concentration (LAC), pH, pO2, pCO2 and HCO3 (in capillary blood) were investigated. Among asthmatic patients: 1) 21 experienced exercise-induced asthma (EIA), 2) 20 reacted to histamine in concentration of 0.125 mg/ml/3', 3) 6 reacted to histamine in concentration of 0.25 mg/ml/3'. In healthy persons, without EIA and reaction to histamine, were: 12 who did not train, and 8 athletes. After exercise LAC increased in all groups (p<0.05); the increase was significantly higher in patients and persons who did not train, then athletes, and did not normalised, in opposite to athletes, however in persons who did not train was significantly lower then in asthmatics. pH and pCO2 did not change significantly in all examined persons, but HCO3 decreased significantly in patients with bronchial hyperactivity and in persons who did not train. Significant increase of pO2 appeared only in healthy persons. Physical effort caused significant greater metabolic changes in asthmatic patients then in healthy persons, especially athletes