Surgical repair of chronic rupture of the distal end of the biceps brachii. a modified anterior surgical repair technique

Sharma, D.K.; Goswami, V.; Wood, J.

Acta Orthopaedica Belgica 70(3): 268-272


ISSN/ISBN: 0001-6462
PMID: 15287407
Document Number: 567344
The authors have used a modified surgical technique for repair of the distal end of the biceps brachii in three patients who presented with chronic rupture, all more than 6 weeks old. All patients were males; two lesions were on the dominant right side and one was on the non-dominant left side. An anterior incision was made over the cubital fossa, a hole was drilled over the radial tuberosity and a simple pull-through technique with an Ethibond suture was used to attach the tendon to an endobutton over the posterior surface of the radius. All patients returned to their employment and preinjury activity levels by six months. There were no postoperative complications and clinically all repairs remained intact. The patients regained their normal range of movements in 3 months; all but one regained the endurance and strength of their bicep in 6 months as assessed by Cybex testing. Surgical repair of the distal end of the biceps using the technique reported has given excellent results in these three patients.

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