Management of sexual dysfunctions in women

Ghizzani, A.; Razzi, S.; Fava, A.; Sartini, A.; Picucci, K.; Petraglia, F.

Journal of Endocrinological Investigation 26(3 Suppl): 137-138


ISSN/ISBN: 0391-4097
PMID: 12834041
Document Number: 559919
The deeper understanding of female physiology changed the perspective used to evaluate sexual difficulties. Systems like: vascular, neurological, biochemical, and endocrine are investigated as their modifications for aging or medical conditions may alter the sexual responsivity of women. New data imply that pharmacological interventions may become suitable for women. Gonadal steroids influence mood, wellbeing, and genital physiology but evidence of actions is controversial. Hormone imbalance provokes symptoms that may also derive from other conditions. Clinicians must exclude dismetabolism, depression and family crisis before diagnosing gonadal problems. The female androgen insufficiency syndrome was defined in July 2001 as altered mood, memory and wellbeing, and loss of desire. Estrogen maintains wellbeing and healthy genitals, influencing mood and sexuality. Progesterone provokes tension and nervousness, causing premenstrual syndrome. Hormone replacement is indicated in the treatment of endocrine deficiency. In research projects women receiving one preparation containing androgen reported improvement of mood, and arousal. Sildenafil cures approximately 25% of sexually dysfunctional, menopausal patients; being more effective with hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and consistently active against the block of antidepressants on orgasm. Added to psychiatric regimens, sildenafil ameliorates excitement. Sex therapy helps patients change behavior, overcome anger, communicate needs and redefine sex. We strongly believe that such crucial aspects must be addressed in therapy, even when the etiology is organic.

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