Streptococcus suis bacteremia
Pedroli, S.év.; Kobisch, M.èn.; Beauchet, O.; Chaussinand, J.-P.; Lucht, F.éd.ér.
Presse Medicale 32(13 Part 1): 599-601
ISSN/ISBN: 0755-4982 PMID: 12714914 Document Number: 559494
Streptococcus suis infection is recognised despite it rareness as a zoonotic occupational disease in humans, and is often associated with meningitis, more rarely with bacteremia. A Streptococcus suis bacteremia occurred in a hunter and was complicated by septic shock with disseminated intravascular coagulation, rhabdomyolysis and purpura fulminans. Contamination had occurred through inoculation of a cut on the thumb when the hunter was slaughtering a wild boar. The blood cultures isolated Streptococcus suis. The patient died 36 hours after admission, despite intensive care and adapted antibiotic treatment with penicillin A and macrolide. Streptococcus suis bacteremia are uncommon but serious in humans. Despite adapted treatment, evolution may be fatal, so their conditions of occurrence must be well known by hunters and practitioners.