Bridging the gap of knowledge and action: A case for participatory action research (PAR)

Khan, K. S.; Bawani, S. A. A.; Aziz, A.

Action Research 11(2): 157-175


ISSN/ISBN: 1476-7503
DOI: 10.1177/1476750313477158
Document Number: 554071
What is the purpose of knowledge? Is it an end product only, or a means for action for change? Who is expected to take action – the researcher, research subjects, both, or some unknown others who may come across the knowledge produced? The larger question then is: is it health research, or research for health, equity and development? This article raises these concerns in context of a study conducted in Pakistan entitled Women's Empowerment in Muslim Contexts (WEMC). This article argues that participatory action research (PAR) provides a bridge to the separation of knowledge and action. It proposes, especially, in resource poor countries, combining health research with Paolo Freire's view of participation and change; and sees action by research participants as an outcome of the development of their critical consciousness.

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