College student attitudes concerning the sexuality of persons with mental retardation: Development of the perceptions of sexuality scale
Joseph, R. Scotti; Brenda, S. Slack; Rachel, A. Bowman; Tracy, L. Morris
Sexuality and Disability 14(4): 249-263
ISSN/ISBN: 0146-1044 DOI: 10.1007/bf02590098Document Number: 554070
As persons with mental retardation become increasingly integrated into community settings, their right to sexual expression is an ever more important focus of education and habilitation. The perceptions of service providers of the sexual behavior of persons with mental retardation can have a significant impact on access to these services. Thus, the Perceptions of Sexuality Scale (POS) was developed as a measure of the attitudes of service providers. Data are presented regarding a factor analysis of the POS; ratings of acceptability of the sexual behavior of college students and persons with mental retardation; and the relation of those ratings to certain demographics, general attitudes, and interpersonal contact variables. Suggestions for the use of the Pos are made.