Drug resistant pulmonary tuberculosis: problems of diagnosis and treatment in hospital conditions

Suslov, V.A.; Moskalenko, V.A.

Voenno-Meditsinskii Zhurnal 323(5): 26-30; 112


ISSN/ISBN: 0026-9050
PMID: 12073833
Document Number: 546017
The number of drug-resistant forms of pulmonary tuberculosis increases every year. The diagnosis of drug resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MBT) is rather difficult, up-to-date (molecular-and-genetic) methods should be applied. 236 patients with active pulmonary tuberculosis and massive bacterial excretion were investigated in Central Military Clinical Tubercular Hospital. 97 (41.1%) of them had drug resistant MBT (1 drug resistance was revealed in 15.5%, two drugs--in 28.8% and three and more drugs--in 55.7%). Rifampicin resistance was the highest one (40%). The authors propose the complex schemes of drug resistance prophylaxis and decrease in the patients with pulmonary tuberculosis.

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