Hemodynamic and metabolic disturbances in patients with hypertension with and without obesity

Lizohub, V.H.; Hryshkova, Z.A.

Likars'ka Sprava 2002(3-4): 38-42


ISSN/ISBN: 1019-5297
PMID: 12145888
Document Number: 545190
As many as 24 patients with concomitant stage I-II hypertensive disease (HD) and obesity were examined together with 27 HD patients presenting with normal body mass. Studied with the aid of the M-mode echocardiographic technique was the central hemodynamics state and blood serum lipid spectrum. Also studied in the above groups (n = 23 and n = 16 respectively) through 24-hour monitoring of arterial pressure (AP) were determinants of levels of systolic, average hemodynamic, diastolic AP, hypertension time indices, 24-hour indices, heart rate. Patients with concomitant HD and obesity revealed more prominent proatherogenic changes in the blood serum lipid spectrum, hyperthrophy of the left ventricular myocardium, dilatation of chambers in the heart, and increased average 24-hourly levels of systolic, diastolic, average dynamic AP, 24-hourly indices, and hypertension time indices, with the non-dipper type predominating among curves of the 24-hourly profile of AP.

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