Diagnostic and prognostic significance of characteristics of serum interferon antiviral activity in chronic and acute diffuse liver diseases

Aleshkin, V.A.; Astakhin, A.V.; Afanas'ev, S.S.; Levitan, B.N.; Chishieva, E.M.; Afanas'ev, D.S.; Denisov, L.A.; Afanas'ev, M.S.

Klinicheskaia Laboratornaia Diagnostika 8: 48-50


ISSN/ISBN: 0869-2084
PMID: 12362643
Document Number: 543122
The interferon (IFN-alpha) level and its antiviral activity were investigated in 236 patients, suffered from the chronic diffuse liver disease (CDLD), including 121 patient with chronic hepatitis (CH), 115 patients with hepatocirrhosis (HC) and 26 patients with acute viral hepatitis (AVH). This permitted to elaborate the pathogenetic and prognostic value of these indices in CH, AVH and HC. The analysis of the variations of IFN-alpha antiviral activity in patients with CDLD in dependence on the etiology, activity of the pathologic process, CH stages by CHild-Pugh graduation, the presence of the portal hypertension and its complications was carried out for the first time. The antiviral activity in the patients suffered from HC with progression of the disease, aggravation of the portal hypertension, development of the decompensation along with persisted elevated IFN-alpha concentration decreased. The main mechanisms modulating IFN-alpha antiviral activity in peripheral blood of the patients suffered from CDLD have been determined. The use of the suggested indices in the combination with other methods of the examining significantly extends the possibilities of the diagnostics, permits to evaluate the reserve possibilities of the organism and to detect the strategy of the immunomodulating treatment. The determination of the IFN-alpha antiviral activity in serum in dynamics is recommended for the control of the therapy of the patients with CDLD and AVH.

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