Morphological characteristics of the thyroid of adults from St-Petersburg (using a sample study data)

Avdeenko, I.L.; Khmel'nitskiĭ, O.K.

Arkhiv Patologii 63(4): 22-26


ISSN/ISBN: 0004-1955
PMID: 11534186
Document Number: 536978
138 thyroids from citizens of St-Petersburg born in this city who died suddenly were investigated macro-, microscopically and morphometrically. The average weight was 23.72 g, being maximal at the age of 20-29 years and minimal in persons over 70 years of age. A slight increase of the weight occurred between 40 and 49 years of age. Nodular lesions were found in 8.7%. Normoplastic type of structure was observed in 84.6%. Areas of asynchronous functioning were found in all the cases. It is possible to describe age-specific normal condition of the thyroid according to morphometric data: aging results in a decrease of the follicle diameter, an increase of thyrocyte height and nuclear diameter, a decrease of Brown index, growth and thickening of fibrillar structures. There were no convincing data in favour of endemia.

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