Loevingers model and measure of ego development a critical review
Hauser, S.T.
Psychological Bulletin 83(5): 928-955
ISSN/ISBN: 0033-2909 DOI: 10.1037/0033-2909.83.5.928Document Number: 529842
The approach to the conceptualization and assessment of human ego development proposed by Loevinger and her associates is reviewed. Since publication 5 yr ago of the measurement technique linked to this model of ego development, a number of workers used this approach in diverse studies, taken from both psychological and sociocultural perspectives. The review deals with data relevant to reliability and validity issues, with major emphasis on validity problems. Evidence from published and unpublished studies is examined in terms of its bearing on further empirical understanding of this model as well as on 2 key assumptions contained within this approach to ego development. Several unresolved conceptual problems generated by this model are considered.