Deletion/insertion polymorphism in the angiotension-converting enzyme gene as a risk factor in the Slovenian patients with coronary heart disease

Peterlin, B.; Petrovic, D.; Zorc, M.; Keber, I.

Pflugers Archiv European Journal of Physiology 439(3 Suppl): R40-R41


ISSN/ISBN: 0031-6768
PMID: 10653136
Document Number: 524175
The angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) plays by degradation of angiotensin I and bradykinin, an important role in modulations of smooth muscle proliferation and vascular tone. Typical plasma levels of ACE accompany the I/D polymorphism; however, a controversy exists as to whether the DD genotype of the ACE polymorphism affects the risk for the development of coronary heart disease (CHD). We compared the I/D polymorphism in 171 Slovenian CHD patients that were younger than 55 years with 134 healthy control individuals. The DD genotype is associated with a 2.3-fold increase in the risk for CHD.

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