The deterioration of the parameters of the human semen: myth or reality?

Medraś, M.; Jankowska, E.

Ginekologia Polska 70(3): 155-160


ISSN/ISBN: 0017-0011
PMID: 10390919
Document Number: 502779
Numerous publications in the world's literature on the base of multiply retrospective analyses suggest a population-wide decline in the quality of human semen over the past 50 years. The average sperm density, the mean sperm volume and the percentage of the typical spermatozoids appear to have decreased. Furthermore, a significant increase in the incidence of both genitourinary abnormalities (hypospadiasis, cryptorchidism) and testicular cancers in the general population has been reported. The data vary among different geographic regions. The possible adverse effect of the environmental pollutants with oestrogenic activity on male reproductive ability has been considered. These chemicals can affect the foetal development of male gonads and also impair testes during maturity, which finally results in disturbances in testicular functions and leads to the reduction of male fertility.

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