Decreased responsiveness to dietary fat in Otsuka Long-Evans Tokushima fatty rats lacking CCK-A receptors

Schwartz, G.J.; Whitney, A.; Skoglund, C.; Castonguay, T.W.; Moran, T.H.

American Journal of Physiology 277(4): R1144-R1151


ISSN/ISBN: 0002-9513
PMID: 10516256
Document Number: 502777
Adult Otsuka Long-Evans Tokushima fatty (OLETF) rats lack functional cholecystokinin A (CCK-A) receptors, are diabetic, hyperphagic, and obese, and have patterns of ingestion consistent with a satiety deficit secondary to CCK insensitivity. Because dietary fat potently stimulates CCK release, we examined how dietary fat modulates feeding in adult male OLETF rats and their lean 10 min) of liquid carbohydrate (glucose), protein (peptone), or fat (Intralipid) to suppress subsequent 30-min 12.5% glucose intake in both strains. In OLETF rats, gastric and duodenal fat preloads were significantly less effective in suppressing subsequent intake than were equicaloric peptone or glucose. These results demonstrate that OLETF rats fail to compensate for fat calories and suggest that their hyperphagia and obesity may stem from a reduced ability to process nutrient-elicited gastrointestinal satiety signals. Reprinted by permission of the publisher.

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