Foodborne illnesses and nutritional status: a statement from an American Society for Nutritional Sciences Working Group

King, J.C.; Black, R.E.; Doyle, M.P.; Fritsche, K.L.; Halbrook, B.H.; Levander, O.A.; Meydani, S.N.; Walker, W.A.; Woteki, C.E.

Journal of Nutrition 130(10): 2613-2617


ISSN/ISBN: 0022-3166
PMID: 11015498
DOI: 10.1093/jn/130.10.2613
Document Number: 496962
The potential role of nutritional status in reducing the risk of foodborne disease is reviewed. The review looks at studies in developing countries, the role of nutritional status in host susceptibility and pathogen virulence in infants and the elderly, recent research revealing the effects of dietary manipulation, and priorities for new research.

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