Food consumption, feeding habits and nutritional status of the population of Reus. Diet and nutritional balance in people older than 60 years of age

Fernández-Ballart, J.; Gordillo, B.J.; Arija, V.; Martí-Henneberg, C.

Revista Clinica Espanola 185(6): 282-290


ISSN/ISBN: 0014-2565
PMID: 2623236
Document Number: 329710
We have studied 323 individuals (122 male and 201 females) above 60 years old, randomly chosen in Reus. When compared to other adults aged 35-60 in the same town, the older group consumes milk more frequently, but eggs, milk derivatives, vegetables and fish less frequently. The fresh fruit intake increases in absolute values 20% and decreases 30% that of meat, fish, fat and sugar. We analyzed the relative contribution of the different groups of foods to the total diet and we observed that 25.9% of the total calories derived from food of animal origin in the older group While it is 29.8% in the group aged 35-60. The total caloric intake in this older group was below the recommended amount although the results were similar to other national of international studies. In respect to protein, the observed intake was very close to the recommended. The mean lipid and carbohydrate intake were similar to those of other studies. We conclude that food intake in subjects above 60 is less than in subjects 35-60 but diet composition also varies which results in a better balanced diet in subjects above 60 in our Community.

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