Consumption, food habits and nutritional status of the population of Reus (II) : distribution by age and sex of the consumption of meat, eggs, fish, and vegetables

Salas, J.; Font, I.; Canals, J.; Guinovart, L.; Sospedra, C.; Martí-Henneberg, C.

Medicina Clinica 84(11): 423-427


ISSN/ISBN: 0025-7753
PMID: 3990403
Document Number: 266898
In a random sample of the Reus (Tarragona, Spain) census, analyzed by 24 h recall a high intake of meat, fish, eggs and vegetables was observed. An excess of meat in middle age males (.hivin.X = 231.8 .+-. 38.3 g/person per day) and too little among females (.hivin.X = 157.1 .+-. 21.3 g/person per day). A high consumption among children (.hivin.X = 112.6 .+-. 13.0 g/personal per day) and low among the elderly (.hivin.X = 110.7 .+-. 34.3 g/person per day). A high consumption of eggs and fish at all ages was found. The consumption of vegetables is higher than in other developed countries. These dietary habits provide an excess of animal fat and in some groups not enough Fe.

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