Agents affecting health of mother and child in a rural area of Kenya. IX. Food intake, feeding habits and nutritional state of the Akamba infant and toddler
Van Steenbergen, W.M.; Kusin, J.A.; Voorhoeve, A.M.; Jansen, A.A.
Tropical and Geographical Medicine 30(4): 505-522
ISSN/ISBN: 0041-3232 PMID: 749288 Document Number: 127232
A study was conducted to assess the precise diet of infants and toddlers under 3 in the Machakos District of Kenya. The study was carried out during September-December 1975 and June-September 1976, using 76 children for initial and 41 for subsequent measurements. Fieldworkers assessed breastmilk and food intake; a pediatrician and a medical nutritionist conducted the physical examinations. All body weight and food intake data are charted. Breastmilk was fed exclusively for approximately 2 months and gradually supplemented by cow's milk and a cereal. Most of the children were weaned between 16 and 24 months. Protein intake was satisfactory at all ages and only calcium and riboflavin were substantially below recommended quantities. Judging from weight-for-age and height-for-age measurements, most of the children met the Harvard nutrition standards in the 1st 6 months of life, but their progress fell off somewhat after that. Clinical examination showed 71% to be healthy and acceptably fed, 22% with a less than satisfactory physical condition, and 7% in poor physical condition. Growth deficiencies are attributed to the early decline in breastmilk quantity, the use of a watery cereal in supplementary feeding, and various nutritional and infectious diseases. Feeding practices and food quantity were considered to be generally adequate. Introduction of a higher caloric cereal would improve infant growth patterns.