Machakos Project Studies. Agents affecting health of mother and child in a rural area of Kenya. XIX. the utilization of health services in a rural area of Kenya

Schulpen, T.W.; Swinkels, W.J.

Tropical and Geographical Medicine 32(4): 340-349


ISSN/ISBN: 0041-3232
PMID: 7210175
Document Number: 157814
The health services utilization pattern of 20.000 inhabitants was surveyed during the last four months of 1976 in eight fortnightly interview rounds. One quarter of the population reported to have been unwell during the weeks prior to interview. Of those 21% went to a medical authority (traditional or modern), 35% used self medication and 37% did not take any action. Data were collected about the type of illness and its disabling effect. On those who went to a medical authority information was collected regarding cost, time lost in travelling and receiving treatment and about improvement as perceived by the patient. Furthermore the use of self medication was analysed. Special attention is given to methods and materials of the survey and its accuracy. Pitfalls and problems encountered are discussed. The survey results show influence of modern medical care especially in the use of self medication.

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