Study of the environmental factors associated with oviposition by Aedes caspius and Aedes detritus along a transect in Algeria

Metge, G.; Hassaïne, K.

Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association 14(3): 283-288


ISSN/ISBN: 8756-971X
PMID: 9813826
Document Number: 484227
Aedes detritus in western Algeria oviposits in irregularly flooded salty environments. The highest density of Aedes caspius eggs was found in soils with a high organic content and a salinity:organic matter ratio of < 1. We studied the relationship between oviposition abundance by both species and a number of major ecological factors along a transect. Ecological factors examined were plant species associations, vegetative cover, and soil organic content and salinity. High vegetative growth was essential for oviposition by both species. Alternatively, eggs of Ae. detritus were found in soils that had high salinity and a salinity:organic matter ratio of > 1. Conditions in northern Africa differ from those found north of the Mediterranean Sea, where oviposition is associated with climate and seasonal conditions.

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