A closer look at the milking machine

De Koning, C.J.; Miltenburg, J.D.; van Vliet, J.H.; Lam, T.J.

Tijdschrift Voor Diergeneeskunde 122(19): 532-539


ISSN/ISBN: 0040-7453
PMID: 9534786
Document Number: 476111
Machine milking has changed enormously in the past decades. The simple milking machine developed at the end of the nineteenth century has become a complex appliance which removes milk from the udder in a fast and efficient way. There is no doubt about the importance of a well functioning milking machine as regards milk quality and udder health. This article reviews the literature on the basic mechanics of machine milking, with special emphasis on the action of the cluster during milking. The movement of the teat cup liner is particularly important in influencing the efficiency of milk extraction and udder health. Therefore special attention is paid to the operation of the liner, how it works, and how the opening and closing of the liner affects the milking process. The functioning of the pulsator, the vacuum fluctuations occurring during milking, and the effect of these fluctuations on the opening and closing of the liner are discussed. The maintenance of the milking machine is also described.

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