Verocytotoxin-producing Escherichia coli O157 in Dutch veal calves and beef cattle

Heuvelink, A.; Schulten, S.; Hoenderken, R.; Bijker, P.; de Boer, E.

Tijdschrift Voor Diergeneeskunde 121(22): 642-646


ISSN/ISBN: 0040-7453
PMID: 8984721
Document Number: 466858
In 1994 (August-September) and in 1995 (July-October) faeces of Dutch veal calves and adult cattle was examined for the presence of verocytotoxin-producing Escherichia coli O157 (O157 VTEC). The samples were collected at slaughterhouses. In 1994, O157 VTEC were isolated from three (0.9%) of 365 fecal samples of veal calves. Faeces of adult cattle was not collected. In 1995, O157 VTEC were isolated from one (0.5%) of 18.3 fecal samples of veal calves and from 30 (11.1%) of 270 fecal samples of adult cattle. In 1994, the organisms were isolated by selective plating onto both sorbitol MacConkey agar (SMAC) and SMAC containing tellurite and cefixime (TC-SMAC) following selective enrichment in modified trypton soya broth with acriflavin (mTSB + a). In 1995, the samples were enriched in modified E. coli broth with novobiocin (mEC + n), and in addition to directly plating onto TC-SMAC the enriched cultures were plated after incorporation of an immunomagnetic separation step of E. coli O157. All 30 strains isolated from adult cattle were isolated with the immunomagnetic separation procedure. Four of the 30 samples were determined positive also by directly plating onto TC-SMAC. The sample from the veal calve was determined positive only by directly plating onto TC-SMAC. Plating onto SMAC resulted only in negative results. Characterization of the O157 VTEC isolates showed similarities between isolates of humans and cattle. Additional experiments need to be done concerning this aspect. From this study it appeared that also Dutch cattle are a reservoir of O157 VTEC.

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