Does breast feeding prevent pregnancy? Perception and practices of breast feeding with special reference to colostrum in peri-urban women of South Delhi
Bhatnagar, S.; Jain, N.P.; Gupta, J.
Health and Population Perspectives and Issues 17(3-4): 178-189
ISSN/ISBN: 0253-6803 Document Number: 465745
In all total of 1200 mothers from different social strata having children upto the age of two years were interviewed for breast feeding practice and its role in pregnancy prevention. Only 16.4 per cent women believed that breast feeding prevents pregnancy and 31.7 per cent had no knowledge about it. Colostrum feeding practice was common among the sample respondents but they had no adequate knowledge about its merits. The appearance of menstruation has been regarded as a well recognised landmark making a woman exposed to risk of conception irrespective of breast feeding status. Therefore, positive perception of linking pregnancy with on set of menstruation and relevance of colostrum feeding for better infant health should be promoted.