The influence of breast feeding on the development of atopic dermatitis. Exclusive breast feeding versus initial short term feeding of a partial hydrolysate followed by breast milk

Matejek, N.; Schwamberger, H.; Bohles, H.

Nutrition Research 18(8): 1389-1393


ISSN/ISBN: 0271-5317
DOI: 10.1016/s0271-5317(98)00117-1
Document Number: 328833
Newborns (n=84) from families with a positive history for atopic dermatitis were prospectively investigated. 71 children were exclusively breast fed (group A), whereas 13 (group B) received a partial whey protein hydrolysate for up to maximally the first 6 weeks of life and were also exclusively breast fed thereafter. All mothers were instructed to use only foods of low allergen content. After 12 months, 12 children (17%) in group A had developed atopic dermatitis whereas none in group B showed any atopic signs. After 18 months, 23% of the children in group A showed manifestations of atopic dermatitis. In group B still no child showed disease symptoms. These results support the idea of tolerance by ingestion of 2-10 kD proteins during the early weeks of life.

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