Analysis of adhesion molecules in myocardial biopsies of cardiac allografts and coronary artery disease with CABG

Lehmkuhl, H.; Horn, C.; von der Driesch, P.; Kämmerer, U.; Müller, T.; von der Emde, J.; Olbrich, H.G.; Kunkel, B.; Bachmann, K.

Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery 37(6 Suppl 1: 65-70


ISSN/ISBN: 0021-9509
PMID: 10064353
Document Number: 465706
Interactions of leukocytes with vascular endothelium are important components of inflammation tissue reactions and have been implicated in cardiac transplant rejection and demonstrated to be mediated by cell adhesion molecules (CAM's). The expression of ICAM-1, VCAM-1 and E-selectin in human myocardium is variable and little is known about the expression of LFA-1 and Mac-1 during allograft rejection. This study investigated these CAM's in myocardial biopsies of transplanted hearts (HTX) and of coronary artery disease eligible for coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) as non-inflammatory controls and explicitly examines vascular endothelium, cardiomyocytes and infiltrating cells. Immunohistochemistry was performed using the APAAP-method and directing specific mouse anti-human monoclonal antibodies against ICAM-1 (CD54), VCAM-1 (CD106), E-selectin (CD62E), alpha-LFA-1 (CD11a), alpha-Mac-1 (CD11b), alpha-p150/95 (CD11c) and the beta2-integrin chain (CD18). CD18, LFA-1 (CD11a), Mac-1 (CD11b) and p150/95 (CD11c) were markedly expressed on infiltrating immunocytes in HTX compared to CABG where no expression of beta2-integrins was observed. Cardiac allografts demonstrated a strong expression of ICAM-1 on vascular endothelium and on infiltrating cells. ICAM-1 was not detected on cardiomyocytes. In CABG a weak expression of ICAM-1 was observed on endothelial cells but not on myocytes. VCAM-1 was expressed on vascular endothelium and perivascular infiltrating cells in HTX but not in CABG. VCAM-1 was not found to be expressed on myocytes. There was no evidence for the presence of E-selectin in any of our biopsy specimens. Our study shows that the study of cell adhesion molecules adds to the pathophysiological understanding of inflammation after transplantation in cardiac disease. This offers a potential for the development of diagnostic tools and new therapeutic strategies.

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