A case of lung adenocarcinoma: detection and resection of the metastatic lesion was managed effectively by serum CEA level
Hiyoshi, H.; Narita, K.; Tachibana, M.; Iwanami, H.; Sakonji, M.; Tsuboi, E.; Kato, H.
Kyobu Geka. Japanese Journal of Thoracic Surgery 49(10): 873-875
ISSN/ISBN: 0021-5252 PMID: 8828337 Document Number: 464897
This patient, a 53-year-old male, has had back pain and an abnormal shadow was detected in the right lung field on December 1989. He was admitted to the hospital for the further examination. On the diagnosis of lung cancer with high serum CEA level operation was performed on February 1990. As a results of pathological examination, histological type was adenocarcinoma and pathological stage was pT3N0M0 stage IIIA. After operation the serum CEA level was decreased immediately but it was gradually increased once again. And then 14 months later right adrenal metastasis was detected by abdominal CT with high serum CEA level and resection was performed. Similarly a solitary lymph node metastasis located in abdomen was detected and resected with high serum CEA level 28 months after second operation. In this case detection and resection of the metastatic lesion was managed effectively by serum CEA level. The patient had a good operative course and is alive 76 months after first operation without any evidence or recurrence.