A case of successful use of triple approach in a kidney cancer patient with metastatic lesion to the lung and pleural cavity

Mamontov, O.I.; Baldueva, I.A.; Gel'fond, M.L.; Levchenko, E.V.

Voprosy Onkologii 60(5): 641-642


ISSN/ISBN: 0507-3758
PMID: 25816672
Document Number: 672596
Metastasis to the lung is the most common place connected with kidney cancer progression. Wherein metastasectomy is accompanied by satisfactory 5- and 10-year survival achieving 49% and 21% respectively. Pleural lesion due to this tumor develops as a part of systemic metastasis and, as a rule, is a consequence of neoplastic spread from lung parenchyma, which indicates a poor prognosis and is an indication for palliative care.

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