The joint use of plasmosorption and enterosorption in the combined treatment of patients in the acute period of a myocardial infarct

Abdullaev, A.A.; Kuznetsov, A.N.; Liusov, V.A.

Terapevticheskii Arkhiv 67(6): 11-14


ISSN/ISBN: 0040-3660
PMID: 7667770
Document Number: 452000
Plasmosorption and enterosorption were assigned to 35 acute myocardial infarction (AMI) patients. Plasmosorption was performed within an hour since AMI onset followed by a 5-day course of enterosorption (enterosorbent YO-A in a dose 30 g/day). The above combination produced a positive effect on hemodynamics and blood rheology resultant from a reduction in hematocrit value, plasma levels of fibrinogen and its derivatives, plasma viscosity and platelet aggregation. Ibustrin (200 mg) combined with heparin (100000 U) introduced into extracorporeal circulation effectively prevents thrombogenesis. AMI patients treatment with enterosorption plus plasmosorption enhances the response to nitroglycerin, reduces the rate of complications and lethal outcomes.

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