Neurovegetative syndromes in the acute period of myocardial infarct

Shpak, L.V.

Klinicheskaia Meditsina 58(10): 42-46


ISSN/ISBN: 0023-2149
PMID: 7442095
Document Number: 166286
Study of the neuropsychic state, autonomic reactivity and humoral indices of patients showed that the developing neuroautonomic regulatory syndromes conform to a certain degree with the clinical features of myocardial infarction affecting its outcome and success of rehabilitation. The adrenosympathetic activation syndrome and psychoemotional reactions which are adequate to stress provide for adaptation and contribute to a favorable course of myocardial infarction. The parasympathetic vegetative trend syndrome with adrenosympathetic paroxysms, being a manifestation of dysadaptation, and psychic asthenization can lead to an instability of the compensatory systems in myocardial infarction. Regulatory shifts displayed by the parasympathetic hyperactivation syndrome, formation of neurotic reactions of the obsessive-phobic and depressive-hypochondriac type aggravate the severity and prognosis of myocardial infarction.

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