Use of beta-adrenoblockaders in the therapy of the syndromes accompanying acute myocardial infarct

Golikov, A.P.; Vaniev, S.B.; Berestov, A.A.; Maĭorov, N.I.; Orlov, A.I.

Kardiologiia 21(12): 60-64


ISSN/ISBN: 0022-9040
PMID: 6120256
Document Number: 168751
The use of beta-adrenoblockers in patients with acute myocardial infarction, accompanied by hypertension and hyperdynamia, leads to normalization of the arterial pressure, of parametres of haemo- and cardiodynamics, to a decrease of the degree of ischaemia of the damaged myocardium and to an increase of the heart work efficacy.

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